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Writer's picture: M TennerM Tenner

Updated: Jun 14, 2020

KIRKUS gave Grandma's Halloween Stories an excellent review!! Kirkus Reviews are the

gold standard of literary review used by librarian, educators and bookstore owners alike.


Grandma's Halloween Stories" . . . .

"An illustrated book of poetry for children celebrates spooky fun with wit, originality, and affection."

"The poems tell stories that have wide appeal through wit, flair, and a generally good ear for meter."

"Lost on Halloween Night" is especially successful, with a galloping meter that recalls that of Robert Service**: A clever fowl / Was that wise old owl / Who lived in Grandfather's barn!"

"The text contains atmospheric and vivid images, such as that of a feast of "roast raven and

owl' or of the "black velvet vapors" of a witch's broom."

We, the Tenner family, always loved the way Mom wrote. It is so reassuring and validating to know others, in the literary world, think so too! Well done, Mom!

**Robert Service (January 16, 1874 – September 11, 1958) was a British-Canadian poet and writer, often called "the Bard of the Yukon". Robert Service wrote the most commercially successful poetry of the century. Yet his most popular works "were considered doggerel by the literary set." During his lifetime, he was nicknamed "the Canadian Kipling."

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